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Get More Leads

Your company needs leads to run an efficient sales system. Having trouble finding qualified and eligible leads? Find out how we can help you fill up your pipeline on a daily basis.
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Building a Marketing Funnel that Converts.

Step 1

Prototyping the best marketing funnel

A marketing funnel is a sequence of customer touchpoints that guide the user along a path that eventually leads towards a conversion. We'll help you set a funnel up, test it, optimize it and launch it. There are many steps to it, however having a good strategy is the best starting point.

Step 2

Designing and implementing the landing page

An essential part of your funnel is the landing page. Creating a good looking landing page is easy. Making it convert users into consumers is the tricky part. We'll be implementing funnel psychology and all sorts of content techniques to turn interest into desire.

High impact Remarketing ads

Depending on the service or product you offer, raising interest will take a couple of attempts. This is where powerful remarketing ads make the difference and reduce your cost/lead by up to 35%!

Database advertising

Your funnel will be generating a lot of valuable data. Why not make use of it? Once we’ve got things running we can leverage data and have the algorithm optimize the results.

Step 3

Drawing a holistic ads strategy

Of course, you need to convince people to actually visit your landing page. We'll set up a holistic ad strategy that will convince even the most skeptical user into giving your business a chance. The bread and butter of the strategy will be data and special advertising techniques.

Step 4

Stay always available

Leads are easiest to convert when they're hot. We'll help you be always available for people to interact with, with the help of chatbots, an interactive voice response system (IVR) and other business automations.

Leads are looking for you now. Let's get them into your funnel!

Proud members of Sibiu IT Cluster.